Flash Talks
Short video presentations of my published work
Linking self-reported social distancing to real-world behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic
How well do self-reported social distancing measures align with behavioral distancing metrics?
Perverse downstream consequences of debunking: Being corrected by another user for posting false political news increases subsequent sharing of low quality, partisan, and toxic content in a Twitter field experiment
What are the potential consequences of correcting misinformation on subsequently shared content?
Shared partisanship dramatically increases social tie formation in a Twitter field experiment
How does shared partisanship causally affect the formation of new social ties on social media?
You're definitely wrong, maybe: Correction style has minimal effect on corrections of misinformation online
Does hedging increase effectiveness of misinformation correction? How about greater explanatory depth?
Reliance on emotion promotes belief in fake news
Believing false news: a crime of passion? Also see blog here.
Partisan differences in physical distancing are linked to health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Do partisan differences during the COVID-19 pandemic translate to differences in social distancing behavior & health related outcomes?
Aversion towards simple broken patterns predicts moral judgment
Does aversion towards nonsocial broken patterns predict greater condemnation & punishment of moral transgressions?
Autism spectrum traits predict higher social psychological skill
How do autism spectrum traits relate to individuals' abilities to predict social psychological phenomena?